The Rumex 20-061 double-ended femto-phaco spatula was very useful for me even in non-femto-assisted cataract surgeries, as an off-label use of this instrument. In these complex conventional phaco procedures, without the use of the femtosecond laser, it permitted a very fine and gentle synechiolysis with its finest tip in cases of extensive uveitic cataract surgeries, which was not possible with other regular spatulas available in the operating room, which had bigger and larger tips, which were not adequate for the fine and gentle dissection and release of posterior synechiae that I needed, specially in cases of poor visualization of the anterior segment due to corneal pathology. It permitted a very gentle and minor release of extensive posterior synechiae with its finest tip in cases of uveitic cataracts with extensive posterior synechiae with no trauma to the lens capsule, permitting a safer surgery. It was easy to use this instrument even throw a 0,7mm side port, allowing a complete 360º bimanual manipulation throw both main and side ports without induction of cornea striae. The use of this instrument was a very pleasant experience and it is very nice to have it in my surgical trays to be available when I need it.
October, the 14th, 2022
Ivo Filipe Gama, MD
Trofa Saúde Health Group